Friday, October 14, 2011

Basketball Madness

We are only a few short weeks away from another college basketball season, and no place anticipates it more then the folks here in the bluegrass.  A record number of people and tents camped out just to get free tickets to the first practice.  Practice is hardly what Big Blue Madness is all about.  It's more about a celebration of basketball, a way to honor a team, a program for so many memorable moments that occured the last time our basketball team took the floor.  It's an outrageous display of affection for young men who put on our colors and carry us into battle.  It's a time to get behind our General and put our faith in his ability to bring more glory to a pride that is already running over.

Madness is not just the first practice, perhaps at other programs, but not at Kentucky.  Madness is a time to honor and respect a thing that will ultametily get us through the bleak winter weather just ahead.  For more than seventy years basketball has kept a light burning for all of us when the promise of spring seems a distant point.  Pride in something done well, year after year, puts us Kentuckians in a rare class of elitist who "get something" that few groups ever experiance.  Many of our critics think of this as arrogance, and perhaps it is.  But most of our critics have never experianced the longevity of excellence that is Kentucky Basketball.

So, you insane fanatics of Big Blue Madness, who camped out for days and will drive for miles to just watch practice, enjoy.  Does it realy matter to you if someone doesn't understand?  When you paint your faces and scream until you throat is sore for practice, and constantily get reminded that basketball is just a game. Remember this, those that don't get it have proably never had anything in their lives to be proud of.

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